Right to access information

The right to access information possessed, handled or supervised by the Sveta Nedelja Tourist Board is regulated under the Act on the Right to Access Information (OG 25/13); Criteria for determining the amount of fees for actual material costs and the costs of delivery of information (OG 12/14); and Corrigendum (OG 15/14).
The Act prescribes the principles of the right to access, exceptions regarding the right to access and the procedure for achieving and protection of the right to access information. The aim of the act is to enable and secure information for natural and legal persons through openness and public activity of public authorities bodies, in accordance with the law.
If the application is submitted in writing, it is necessary to fill out the form Application to access information, which can be sent:
- by post: Sveta Nedelja Tourist Board, Trg Ante Starčevića 5, 10431 Sveta Nedelja,
- by email to the information officer: info@svetanedelja.hr
- or submitted in person to the Sveta Nedelja Tourist Board, Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. At the time of submission of the request, it is not necessary to pay the additional fee with the form
- Application form for access to information (Form no. 2)
- Application form for amendments to information (Form no. 3)
- Act on the Right to Access Information
- Decision on appointment of the Information officer
Information officer: Renata Vlahović, MEcon, tel: +385 1 3373 919